Right, first up, the latest photos.
Here's Ollie doing his bestest smile. Note the major chubbiness and double chin

Here's Ollie being fascinated by himself in the mirror during his bath today. This pic is also notable because I'm not in black. I'm also wearing trackie dacks and fluffy slippers. (International visitors, this translates as: "this season's Prada and Jimmy Choos").

Here's my superstar husband (suitable de-identified) juggling a chubby bubby and a wiggly toddler in the shops: what a star!

Did I mention how hairy Ollie is? Oh yes, there was that post about Hugh Jackman. (Sigh). Here is a shoddy close-up of his gorgeous furry ears- note the brown fuzziness at the back edge at the bottom of his ear lobe

And finally, here is the little man at play; admittedly not his best shot, but he is entranced by the brightly coloured $2 shop Lei Patrick draped over his ... thing-that-I-made-for-Patrick-when -he was-a-baby (Patrick is an attentive and helpful older brother- he likes to bring things over to Ollie for him to look at)

Older brother shots next:
Here is Patrick, whose latest discovery is that if you push a chair close to something high up, you can reach it. In this case he didn't want dinner, so he pushed the chair over to the light switch for the dining room to turn it off. You have to admire his logic... and perseverance- it took about 10 seconds to drag that chair across the lounge room (an eternity for a toddler in a rage)

Aaaaand, finally, to round things out... I bet you thought I'd been lazily sitting on my pimply arse* sitting around breastfeeding and having a slack old time, right? Well, actually I've been busy. The seasons have changed and the range of available boys clothing is getting worse as Patrick gets older. So I've been making stuff for him again. Mainly pants: my new 'thing' is applique.

I've also upcycled a bunch of old jumpers (sweaters) into some fairly funky pants.

(Pants in situ)
I put a new patch on this hoodie, cause the one from the shop sucked and I don't have as much time to make hoodies anymore (wonder why?). Oh and to save electrons there is a pair of pants there in this shot too: the brown bit looks great but
was actually because I ran out of fabric... Now it just looks like "that looks like they ran out of fabric on that funky brown patch, but it must be intentional, because no-one would actually draw attention to their mistakes, would they?" Heh. I am so devious. I am screwing with your mind just with my sewing!

I made these pants in summer, but he still wears them (he is a slave to my vanity) when it's a little warmer. He loves to play with the zip

And what's cuter than a little boy in cords and a skivvy? Why, a little boy in cords and a skivvy ... with a dinosaur on the front...

or a train...

I made these two wraps for Ollie before he was born. You can never have too many wraps, IMHO

And what's more perilous than the state of pants for toddlers? The state of pyjamas. Call me crazy, but I don't want him in pj's that are offensive or say things like "little horror". I know, next thing I'll be voting for the national party... but we saw this fabric at spotlight and i just had to. And Patrick loves them.

I made these pram liners for our new Phil and Ted's (how awesome are they for two?) with the I.kea Ba.rnslig fabic and think they look pretty good. (The rest of the pram is in Ollie's room. And he's asleep. That maxim again? NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!)

Right. That'll do youse all for now.
*Has anyone else's arse become amazingly pimply since they had babies or is that just me?