Firstly, although I titled the last post 'monkey see', I'd like to point out that I do not feed Ollie by laying on top of him!
Heard at the playground today "Look at me! I'm on a swing!" Our longest sentence yet.
We had been going really well with potty training before Ollie was born, mainly by letting Patrick run around without any pants on. However, we weren't keen to push it afterwards, and then it just got too cold to let him run around bare-arsed. We've been waiting for him to get back into it, and recently he has been obliging: yesterday he went into the bathroom, pulled down his trousers and attempted to rip off his nappy. I'd call that 'ready'. But I'm not sure that day care will agree with Patrick's preferred method of relieving himself: he wants to stand up (like daddy) so the potty is out, but he doesn't want to stand on a stool either. No, he likes to stand up ON the seat and pee into the bowl. So far, he's also peferring to poo in his nappy, so underpants are a good way off yet.
We got a referral to see the ENT specialist about his ears because of the jagged holes I had seen there, and went to see him on Friday. His ears have now healed completely, which is wonderful. It also means we don't have to battle with ear drops. Yay!
Ollie is growing up so fast: he's three months old already, smiling, learning to use his hands and cooing happily at most opportunites. He's in size 00 already which is a pity because all the summer stuff I bought him was 00 and he'll be way too big for that when it warms up. He is sleeping well- most nights from about 1030 until 3 or 4 am for a feed and then again until about 7. Mostly I can convince him to stay asleep after that feed too, so that I can get up, showered, breakfasted and do the same for Patrick too before his next feed at 9. Of course now that I've put it out there, he'll change completely. I can't believe we're already halfway through exclusive breastfeeding and soon he'll hit the solids- it all feels like it is going so very fast this time.
Patrick is an excellent big brother, he loves to kiss and cuddle Ollie (as well as breastfeed him). I'm looking forward to the day they are big enough to play together. Oliver already loves to watch Patick run around the room and smiles at him when he is being talked to. I had been concerned that Patrick might get jealous and resent Oliver for taking up all of my time, but to be honest, if anyone loses out in the attention stakes, it is Oliver: toddlers, apart from being demanding, are also physical too- we regularly get pushed and pulled in the direction Patrick wants us to go!
MrT is finally on his extended leave: 3 months of accrued leave and 3 of long service leave. Strangely, having two adults at home makes everything take longer, which is a surprise, but I can no longer plan my days just around me and the boys. I'm sure we'll work it out... just in time for me to go back to work.
Finally, here is Patrick's latest T-shirt design: I thought it was a nice little play on words. I put it on a red t-shirt: originally i thought black, but that just seemed too obvious. He's going to wear it for the first time tomorrow with his black train pants when we go to the miniature trains; not sure how many of the punters will get the joke.

Speaking of which, I can't decide which of these to get: decisions decisions!
Heard at the playground today "Look at me! I'm on a swing!" Our longest sentence yet.
We had been going really well with potty training before Ollie was born, mainly by letting Patrick run around without any pants on. However, we weren't keen to push it afterwards, and then it just got too cold to let him run around bare-arsed. We've been waiting for him to get back into it, and recently he has been obliging: yesterday he went into the bathroom, pulled down his trousers and attempted to rip off his nappy. I'd call that 'ready'. But I'm not sure that day care will agree with Patrick's preferred method of relieving himself: he wants to stand up (like daddy) so the potty is out, but he doesn't want to stand on a stool either. No, he likes to stand up ON the seat and pee into the bowl. So far, he's also peferring to poo in his nappy, so underpants are a good way off yet.
We got a referral to see the ENT specialist about his ears because of the jagged holes I had seen there, and went to see him on Friday. His ears have now healed completely, which is wonderful. It also means we don't have to battle with ear drops. Yay!
Ollie is growing up so fast: he's three months old already, smiling, learning to use his hands and cooing happily at most opportunites. He's in size 00 already which is a pity because all the summer stuff I bought him was 00 and he'll be way too big for that when it warms up. He is sleeping well- most nights from about 1030 until 3 or 4 am for a feed and then again until about 7. Mostly I can convince him to stay asleep after that feed too, so that I can get up, showered, breakfasted and do the same for Patrick too before his next feed at 9. Of course now that I've put it out there, he'll change completely. I can't believe we're already halfway through exclusive breastfeeding and soon he'll hit the solids- it all feels like it is going so very fast this time.
Patrick is an excellent big brother, he loves to kiss and cuddle Ollie (as well as breastfeed him). I'm looking forward to the day they are big enough to play together. Oliver already loves to watch Patick run around the room and smiles at him when he is being talked to. I had been concerned that Patrick might get jealous and resent Oliver for taking up all of my time, but to be honest, if anyone loses out in the attention stakes, it is Oliver: toddlers, apart from being demanding, are also physical too- we regularly get pushed and pulled in the direction Patrick wants us to go!
MrT is finally on his extended leave: 3 months of accrued leave and 3 of long service leave. Strangely, having two adults at home makes everything take longer, which is a surprise, but I can no longer plan my days just around me and the boys. I'm sure we'll work it out... just in time for me to go back to work.
Finally, here is Patrick's latest T-shirt design: I thought it was a nice little play on words. I put it on a red t-shirt: originally i thought black, but that just seemed too obvious. He's going to wear it for the first time tomorrow with his black train pants when we go to the miniature trains; not sure how many of the punters will get the joke.

Speaking of which, I can't decide which of these to get: decisions decisions!
i think i like the cranes best. although jealousy is nice too.
great news about patrick's ears.
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