Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More photos

Day 11. We have up days and down days. Today is def an up day: Oliver slept well in between feeds and I feel like I have actually slept. I will have a sleep this arvo, but otherwise I feel like I know the difference between night and day, which is not an exaggeration.

Because MrT hates having his photo on the interwebs I'm restricted in what I can put up here, but here's a few more photos and a v. cute video.

This is the hoodie I knitted for Patrick in those 'waiting' days. It turned out pretty well, IMHO. I was going to make it a zippered one, but the toggles are cute.
And here is Patrick in it (before toggles) Mmmmm, snuggly. The yarn is an interesting mix of alpaca, merino, linen and polyamide.
Finally, brotherly love. Actually Patrick screaming "MY TURN! MY TURN! MINE HOLD BABY OLLIVERRRRRRRR!"

Actually, no, that's patrick walking around in my daggy slippers. Sorry it's a bit dark.

This is what I meant to share:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the hoodie! oh, and love the little baby.

29/4/09 05:17  

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